Designing for the Human Experience

Human experience will be an important element to interior design. As we pivot to a new way of working, we can capture the huge potential that the power of experience-centered places can generate.
Office redesigns that optimize on health and wellbeing

If we’ve learned anything from post-pandemic, the need to support health and well being for the workplace is more essential than ever. Learn how some companies are making these changes in the workplace today.
A Q & A with Claude Restoule at Artopex

Learning from our customers to understand how they work and function will be some of the key details to focus on in 2022. Listening more to our client’s requirements will help to mold the future of the office.
Office Space Recalibration: Assigned vs. Unassigned Seating

Make no mistake – the office is here to stay. It will continue to be a big part of how work gets done but it will be different – in the way it is being used and physical configuration.
Making Room for a Better Way of Work

Looking at office space density requires consideration for new insights into not only the physical office space but the people who help run the organization on a day-to-day basis.
How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Transform the Workplace

Achieving the level of personalization, and operational efficiency required to compete in an increasingly digital environment is the top priority of almost every business leader these days. Many recognize AI (Artificial Intelligence) as a key enabler for these pursuits.
The importance of getting the most out of your commercial lease renewal

Companies can use lease renewal time to evaluate their current position as tenants, explore the commercial real estate market, and use that information to negotiate a better lease arrangement.
How Companies are Investing in Wellness for Employees Post-covid

Many companies have pivoted their return to work strategies to incorporate wellness programs for staff who are returning to the office full time and for those working in a hybrid work model. Achieving the right balance for each company will be a key factor and will differ for all industries globally.
Creating the workspaces you need to succeed

Achieving a balance of health, safety and productivity are what company leaders are faced with in today’s working norm. All of this can be acquired with a good office design strategy tailored to meet the individual business needs of today’s workplace.
Building a High-Performance Team in a Post-Covid World

Leaders are pivoting to new and efficient business methods that will elevate the performance of staff. Faster is better for the post-pandemic workforce era.