Return-to-work Roadmap

With staff slowly returning the office, companies will be implementing a Return-to-Work plan to ensure employee safety and well being.

The Workplace Revolution: The Future of Work Looks Better for All

The office experience is evolving at an alarming rate because of the global pandemic. Employers are understanding that with better technology and management we can all be productive and focused on achieving business objectives through the hybrid working model.

How to Incorporate Versatility into Design to Future-proof the Workplace

According to a recent article by Jared Menkes, Executive Vice President of Menkes Development, even though the pandemic has affected our communities, we will also be seeing many sectors resume business and continue to flourish again. Very promising especially for the office space market.

Reimagining the Workplace Through Design

According to Work Design Magazine COVID-19’s remote working habits have accelerated the demand for flexible work patterns and spaces to support a blended workforce and new business performance requirements.

Returning Safely to the Office

Since the global pandemic, things have started to look quite differently in the workplace. Businesses are starting to put a greater emphasis on flexibility and agility, giving workers more choice and autonomy.